Type, level and organization of studies
Higher education at the University Business Academy in Novi Sad is realized in the form of academic studies based on approved or accredited study programs for acquiring higher education.
Higher education at the University Business Academy in Novi Sad is realized in the form of academic studies based on approved or accredited study programs for acquiring higher education.
Undergraduate studies are worth between 180 and 240 ECTS points, which correspond to three or four years of undergraduate academic studies. The study program of undergraduate studies can imply the writing and defense of a final paper/diploma paper. Students who graduate from a study program worth at least 180 ECTS POINTS (minimum three years long study program) earn the academic title of a Bachelor in the relevant area (Bachelor’s degree).
Programs of academic studies can also be offered as integrated with undergraduate and master academic studies (i.e. integrated academic studies) with a total value of 300 ECTS points minimum, or 360 ECTS points maximum (e.g. academic study programs in the field of medicine).