Organized by the University Business Academy in Novi Sad, a panel discussion titled "Pupin – A Scientist, Diplomat, and Patriot" took place in the amphitheater of the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad on March 27th, 2024. The panelists were: Prof. Dr. Dragan Soleša, Rector of the University Business Academy in Novi Sad; Dr. Ivan Bošnjak, State Secretary in the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and an honorary citizen of Idvor, discussing "Pupin as an Example and Inspiration"; Prof. Dr. Zoran Pavlović, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the University Business Academy; and Aleksandar Stanić, the author of the short film "Mihajlo Pupin".
Mihajlo Pupin, one of our greatest scientists, left behind significant inventions, making it important for new generations to become acquainted with his life and work.
"After reading Mihajlo Pupin's monumental work 'From the Farm to the Scientist,' the words of his mother, which were intelligent, spiritual, and religious, and the fact that Mihajlo Pupin cited them throughout his work, left a deep impression on me," highlighted Prof. Dr. Dragan Soleša, Rector of the University Business Academy in Novi Sad.
"This year marks two anniversaries related to Mihajlo Pupin - 170 years since his birth and a century since his autobiography 'From the Farm to the Scientist' received the prestigious Pulitzer Prize. His name is significant throughout the former Yugoslavia, and Pupin was equally successful both as a scientist and as a professor," stated Dr. Ivan Bošnjak, State Secretary in the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue.
Prof. Dr. Zoran Pavlović, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the University Business Academy, emphasized that several years ago, while preparing a comment on the Lobbying Law, he realized that the first Serbian lobbyist was none other than Mihajlo Pupin.
Following the discussion, the short film "Pupin and I" by Aleksandar Stanić was screened. The author emphasized that the film describes Pupin's idea of how Banat could engage in agriculture.